The History Departments at Temple University in Philadelphia and at Erfurt University have developed an essential partnership. We exchange graduate students and faculty, co-teach classes and colloquia, attend workshops,lectures, and formal and informal discussion, co-supervise dissertations, and co-author books. Since 2018, our partnership has been funded by the ISAP program of the German Academic Exchange Service.


2018: Tell Us Your History (undergraduate and graduate class; Erfurt: Dr. Daniel Albrecht; Prof. Jürgen Martschukat; Prof. Sabine Schmolinksy; Lisa Woop, MA / Temple: Prof. Bryant Simon)
2019: Tell Us Your History (undergraduate and graduate class; Erfurt: Dr. Silvan Niedermeier / Temple: Prof. Bryant Simon)
2020: Recent America (undergraduate class; Erfurt: Dr. Felix Krämer / Temple: Prof. Bryant Simon)
2022: Governing through Violence I (Erfurt University, in cooperation with Prof. Andrew Diamond, Sorbonne (Paris))
2023: Governing through Violence II (Sorbonne Université (Paris), in cooperation with Prof. Andrew Diamond)
2014: Barnes Graduate Student Conference (Temple University)
2015: Conference: The History of American Foodways (DGfA Annual Meeting; Erfurt)
2015: Workshop: Food, Power, and Agency (Erfurt and Leipzig University)
2019: colloquium North American History (Erfurt University)
2020: colloquium North American History – online (Erfurt University)
2020: Urban History Workshop – online (Temple University)
2020: Election Round Tables – online (Temple University)
2022: Governing through Violence I (Erfurt University, in cooperation with Prof. Andrew Diamond, Sorbonne (Paris))
2023: Governing through Violence II (Sorbonne Université (Paris), in cooperation with Prof. Andrew Diamond)
2004: Prof. Andrew Isenberg (Fulbright Fellow to Erfurt University)
2014: Prof. Bryant Simon (Humboldt Fellow to Erfurt University)
2018: Prof. Jürgen Martschukat (DAAD-Fellow to Temple University) ——— Jonas Brüderlin; Alina Zeller (DAAD-students to Temple University)
2019: Dr. Friedrich Cain (DAAD-Fellow to Temple University) ——— Benjamin Grünewald; Maria Klenner (DAAD-students to Temple University)
Prof. Bryant Simon (DAAD-Fellow to Erfurt University) ——— Brandon Kinney; Devin Manzullo-Thomas (DAAD-students to Erfurt University)
2020:canceled due to Covid-19
(Prof. Rita Krueger (DAAD-fellow to Erfurt University)) ——— (Stanley Schwartz and Abby Whitaker (DAAD-students to Erfurt University))
(Prof. Iris Schröder (DAAD-fellow to Temple University)) ——— (Jan-Luca Albrecht, Melanie Lal, Paul Skäbe (DAAD-students to Temple University))
2021: Prof. Rita Krueger (DAAD-fellow to Erfurt University)
Verena Pichler, Meike Katzek, Paul Skäbe (DAAD-students to Temple University)
2022: Prof. Jay Lockenour (DAAD-fellow to Erfurt University) ——— Samantha Sproviero, Megan McGraw, Andrew Santora (DAAD-students to Erfurt University)
2022: Dr. Silvan Niedermeier (DAAD-fellow to Temple University)
2023: Prof. Dr. Harvey Neptune (DAAD-fellow to Erfurt University) ——— Shourjendra Mukherjee, Alexandra Southgate, Jake Wolf (DAAD-students to Erfurt University)
Prof. Dr. Iris Schröder (DAAD-fellow to Temple University) ——— Petrus Beck, Kristina Becker, Lena Kröger (DAAD-students to Temple University)
Jürgen Martschukat and Bryant Simon (eds.), Food, Power and Agency (London: Bloomsbury, 2017).
Jürgen Martschukat, transl. Petra Goedde, American Fatherhood. A History (New York: New York University Press, 2019).

Temple University, Department of History:
Coordinator of the cooperation:
Prof. Bryant Simon

Erfurt University, Department of History
Coordinator of the cooperation:
Prof. Jürgen Martschukat