Asuman Lätzer-Lasar presents a working paper on ‚Mobility and Post-mobility of Deities in Roman Port Cities of the Southeast Iberian Coast‘

The Iberian Peninsula has been a region subject to a constant influx from migrating people and moving objects, whether by land routes from the European continent or by sea routes from the African continent. This characteristic is the basis for me to reflect on the transculturation processes of a specific supraregion, namely the east coast of the Iberian Peninsula. In doing so, I focus on the intraurban places for religious communication with and to deities in four selected port cities that differ greatly from each other. I am interested in the extent to which the processes of religious placemaking and the typology of cities interacted and influenced each other.

In research history, the Roman cities of the Iberian Peninsula as such are very well researched. (Panzram 2017; Olcina Domènech u. a. 2014; Houten 2020) However, the focus tends to be on the power relations deriving from the Roman occupation, as well as on the political and military history under Roman rule. The topic of transconnectivity is addressed, but then either evaluated from an economic perspective or limited to certain chronological periods, such as the pre-Roman development, especially the Phoenician and Punic periods, or the late Roman or medieval periods, especially with a focus on the Arab-Muslim presence on the Iberian Peninsula.

Recently, literary sources were used to reconstruct diverse social spaces, and labour biographies of migrants were sketched using the epigraphic evidenc. (Keegan et al. 2013; Holleran 2016) Nevertheless, a deep analysis of the diverse urban religioscapes is hardly available. Rather detailed studies on individual gods are evaluated on a supra-regional basis, such as Isis (Alvar Ezquerra – Gasparini 2020, Granizo Candelas 2020) or Minerva in Tarraco (Ruiz-Rodríguez 2017, 323-350). For this colloquium paper I can only present a brief comparison of the diverse religious landscapes in four selected port cities of the East coast by focusing on the placement and design of religious spaces.

Martin Christ is going to present a working paper on ‚Moving Religion out of the City? Extra-urban Cemeteries in Germany, 1490 – 1880‘

Understood as a space for religious rituals, saturated with religious iconography and meaning and full of biblical symbolism, burial spaces formed a ‘hot spot’ of religion. After focusing on the cemetery as a religious space, this paper will turn to the movement of cemeteries form inside the city to its outside and indicate some of the reasons people living in the early modern period gave for the movement of cemeteries. The next part sketches some European comparisons, focusing, in particular, on the British Isles, which show a different kind of reasoning behind the movement of cemeteries and indicate that religion was only a key factor for the movement of cemeteries, if combined with other causes. Finally, the paper considers one of the key questions regarding the movement of cemeteries, that is, if the move of the burial spaces outside of the city walls led to a more secular city, a view that is still highly influential in the historiography on this topic. By way of conclusion, I offer some questions for further directions of this research.

Carmen González is going to present a working paper on ‚The use of water in religious spaces in al-Andalus: new archaeological evidence from Madīnat Qurṭuba’s suburbs‘

Islamic religious practices and water hold a very close relationship determined, mainly, by the need of the faithful to perform ritual ablutions before prayer. However, the archaeological documentation of infrastructure related to this practice in al-Andalus is very infrequent. For this reason, a recent discovery from the western outskirts of Madīnat Qurṭuba (Córdoba), consisting of a secondary mosque with a small ablution room attached to its northern end, stands out for its uniqueness. This mosque has been recovered in one of the most interesting areas for the archaeological and urban study of the city in Islamic times, the so-called „Plan Parcial O-7“. This sector has been excavated almost entirely in recent years, revealing interesting dynamics of urban configuration already from the 8th century, which allow a better and deeper understanding of the medieval Islamic city, its components and its functions.