Steffen Andrae presents a working paper on ‚Microphysics of Resistance. Alexander Kluge’s Political Philosophy of Feelings‘

My article deals with Alexander Kluge’s understanding of feelings as a potentially productive yet untapped form of political agency. Through an original reading of Marx and Freud, Kluge develops a conception of Antagonistic Realism in which feelings appear as part of a rich aggregation of obstinate subjective capacities resistant to the maintenance of the status quo. In my paper, I examine the broader socio-theoretical framework that guides Kluge’s investigation, his idea of an antirealism of feelings, as well as his reflections on their ideological engagement and their relationship to the political. Moreover, my article is an attempt to introduce Kluge’s stimulating thought to discourses of critical social and political theory where it has hitherto been largely overlooked.

Marcus Döller presents a working paper on ‚What does it mean to resist against the law as law?‘

In the 13. Chapter of the dissertation I am going to show in four steps why Hegel makes an internal connection between the logic of the negative-infinite judgement and the Philosophy of Law. My thesis is, that it is crucial to understand the internal connection between the negative-infinite judgement on the one side and the modern form of the law on the other side in order to think a radical form of non-legal resistance. With non-legal resistance I am going to conceptualise a resistance beyond the law. In this line of thought I distinguish resistance that cannot be punished and resistance that can be punished. The act of the hero cannot be punished because the hero creates a new law. To be a hero means to be a law-giver. Heroes are only possible in antiquity. The act of the criminal, in contrast, can be punished, because the criminal presupposes a law already running up.

Every hero in modernity is in the position of the criminal in transgressing the law. Starting from this distinction, I will show that we have to think non-legal resistance differently in order to understand liberation in social struggles. Because resistance in modernity can just reproduce an order of domination and injustice, if resistance is not able to found an autonomous order of equal participation within social practices. Non-legal resistance takes places if the subject is able to justify action guiding rules only by itself. But the very act of justification of action guiding rules presupposes law like rules and overcomes them at the same time. This conceptualisation allows me to think a non-legal resistance which not just reiterates an order of social domination in the very form of resistance.

Marcus Döller presents a working paper on ‚Freedom as Resistance – Two Forms of Non-Participation‘

n the paper Freedom as Resistance I am going to argue, that the form of normativity is its immediacy. In a reading of the Geist chapter in the Phenomenology of Spirit I develop the conception of immediacy with regard to the structure of social normativity. In a first step I am going to show why there is a necessary split in the social within the greek ethical sphere. (I) In the second step I argue that Antigone is the name for a resistant subjectivity, which cannot be integrated within the social sphere, but is a product of the social reproduction in its very form. Here I compare two sophisticated actualisations by Judith Butler and Slavoj Zizek in order to develop my own approach to a theory of subjectivation. (II) In a last step I am going to explain why radical resistance takes place internal to the form of the subject and how this is related to the form of the judgement in realising an internal suspension. (III)